Not by pay alone: Securing acceptable living standards for working families

13 April 2016

Open meeting: Not by pay alone: Securing acceptable living standards for working families


Loughborough University offers a series of open public lectures where newly appointed professors deliver an inaugural lecture based on their research. Because they are aimed at a broad audience they are usually quite accessible to the lay-person. Greens should find this one, by Donald Hirsch, interesting and relevant to our campaigns on social justice, living wages and above all for a universal citizen income, an idea whose time will come, but which Donald has also issued a healthy challenge to [1]! Donald and his team are responsible for ground breaking work on minimum income standards which has given Loughborough’s department of Social Sciences an international reputation, and continues to challenge the Government’s ‘work solves all’ policy, the re-emerging narratives of absolute, as opposed to relative poverty, and, the dangerous linkage of wages policy to reduced state support which threatens to leave many working families worse off.


27 April 2016 at 5PM Lecture Theatre Lecture Theatre U.0.20 (Brockington Extension)


Not by pay alone: Securing acceptable living standards for working families


Professor Donald Hirsch Department of Social Sciences



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