
Loughborough University's Woman(kind)ness Celebration 8/3/16 - 11/3/16

02 March 2016

Loughborough University is holding a 4 day event in celebration of International Women's Day. Be inspired by key speakers addressing a variety of topics and themed photo exhibitions exploring the life of women in a variety of cultures.

Utilise Social Cafe Trial

26 February 2016

Volunteers and Charity Groups come together to intervene with edible food ending up unnecessarily at waste fill sites.

Ban The Quorn Hunt from The Outwoods

26 February 2016

Jack Riggall (Spokesperson for Leicester Animal Rights) needs help to keep The Outwoods free from The Quorn Hunt, to protect our Wildlife.

Biggest climate march in UK history

13 November 2015

As politicians set off for the Paris climate talks, activists in Loughborough have organised a coach to the biggest climate march ever planned in the UK: The People’s March for Climate, Justice and Jobs, on Sunday 29 November in London.

Vote for what you believe in

27 April 2015

With our broken electoral system, it's more important than ever that voters vote for what they believe in. Matt Sisson explains why

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

18 March 2015

You may have heard recently about the proposed TTIP agreement that is under negotiation between the US and the EU. 20 years ago it appeared on our borders as the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) and it was defeated. The reason being that it is yet another attempt to legitimise absolute corporate control over global trade.

Clamp-down needed on tax-dodging

28 February 2015

What is tax dodging? Why is it happening? And what can we do about it?

The Rushes, Loughborough

Government Infrastructure policy is leaving communities like Loughborough behind

03 February 2015

For every 12 jobs created in the South of England, just 1 is created elsewhere in the UK. Communities like Loughborough are being left behind by Government Infrastructure policy that is heavily biased in favour of London. The Green Party is the only party to advocate for fair development for all communities.

Amelia Womack

Amelia Womack is coming to Loughborough

22 January 2015

Amelia Womack, Deputy Leader of the Green Party, will be visiting Loughborough to speak to students and local residents. This will be part of Loughborough Uni SU Ethical & Environmental Week

Alex Watts - Prospective Councillor for Ashby Ward, Charnwood Borough Council

Greens and the TV Debates

19 January 2015

The debate about the TV debates intensifies as David Cameron insists the Green Party Leader, Natalie Bennett, be invited. Ofcom have so far refused to call the Green Party a 'Major Party', but there is still time to change their minds

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